LEI Comply Service: Compliance solution for all aspects of LEI issuance

The Compliance solution for all aspects of LEI issuance.

A service for financial institutions of LEIReg - the issuing body of the Bundesanzeiger Verlag.

Avoid unnecessary delays when conducting business with customers who as yet have no Legal Entity Identifier!

Our free LEI Comply Service will help you optimize the fulfillment of your legal reporting obligations and your clients ability to transact.

How will the LEI Comply Service assist you?

  • By authentic and reliable communication of your customers’ regulatory LEI obligations.
  • By consistent communication with your customers in cooperation with the Legal Entity Identifier Register (LEIReg) – the accredited international LEI issuing body of the Bundesanzeiger Verlag.
  • By structured LEI provisioning to your customers and consistent LEI status monitoring via the LEIReg – thereby minimizing LEI administration by yourself and your customers.

How you will benefit:

  • Your customers will not perceive you as a vicarious agent of the regulator.
  • Assured transacting ability of your customers and thus optimized risk management and economic success.
  • Increase of customer satisfaction through shortened processes.
  • Special conditions for your customers.
  • The LEI Comply Service will be free of charge to you and your customers.

Why choose the Bundesanzeiger Verlag?

You may rely on our many decades of experience in the responsible and reliable handling of sensitive data and on our competence in professional identification of companies and individuals acting in a business capacity.

How may you use our LEI Comply Service?

Simply contact us via any of the options below. We will also gladly consult with you personally at your office!

+49 221 97668300


LEI Application

„We create synergies and win-win situations for financial institutions and their customers and ensure commercial transparency“