During the LEI application procedure, a digital confirmation of the right to apply for and manage an LEI will be digitally generated with the help of the information provided by you. Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH reserves the right to require a personal signature/a signed power of attorney in certain circumstances.
For legal entities that are registered in the German commercial, cooperative, partnership or association register or in the Austrian company register, we procure the obligatory current register excerpt as an additional and free register service for you. You do not need to submit any further documents. If the company is not entered in a German commercial register, additional documents will be required to complete your application; these are specified in the following.
Should your company be in a group relationship and directly or indirectly affiliated with a parent company, will we require documentary proof of this relationship. Documents that can be accepted in this connection are annual or consolidated accounts that show the names of affiliated companies. These documents will not be required for companies that are entered in a German commercial register.
Generally required will be documentation confirming the genuine nature of the information provided on your company/institution; ideally, this should include information on the person(s) authorised to represent your company/institution. Depending on the legal system in your country, these documents may take various forms. The following are examples of suitable documents:
An except from the valid company register, articles of incorporation, articles of partnership, business registration etc.
In addition, it may be necessary to submit the following documents (examples provided) to provide the required information on the person(s) authorised to represent your company/institution:
Certificate of power of representation, record of the election process, appointment to the board etc.
Funds and special funds under German law (KAGB)
Required for funds and special funds will be a sales prospectus, an investment strategy document or the authorisation of the BaFin (or other registration body).
Individuals who undertake commercial activities
Generally required here will be confirmation of the business- or commercial-related nature of the transaction as only in these circumstances can an LEI be issued. Natural persons who are not undertaking a transaction for commercial or business purposes cannot be issued with an LEI.
Examples of documents that can be submitted for validation purposes include:
Business registration, registration of membership of a professional body etc.
In case you are a natural person engaged in business activities but not registered or belonging to a professional chamber, we would need in addition to your LEI application either a business registration, a tax assessment notice or proof from your bank that you maintain a business account for processing transactions for which an LEI is required.